Name: Gunz A.K.A Kyle A.K.A. kyky(I detest this name more than you could ever know So feel free
to call me it.)
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Birthdate: March 17th, 1987
Position in anime-chat:
Channel Prick/Homophobe.
Favorite Music: Metal, Classic Rock
Band. Deftones(Fuck You Haters, You can lick my balls)
Favorite Foods: Italian
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Shade: Black
Born and rasied in Lansing, MI lived there for 12 years then moved to this fucking lame ass town called St. Johns that's full
of pricks.
Hates: Pricks, Fags, Homos, Preps, People, Flowers, That shit thats in your eyes
when you wake up in the morning, and when you go to wipe it out it stabs into your eye, Plushies(Exception of my Briana Banks
One), My interenet connection, GAYOL, Insect's
Music I Hate: Anything White-Raven Listens to.
With the exception of Slipknot, SOAD, and Slayer
Picture: Jack Off To This || You Whores
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